The Short List: Things That Can Super Charge (or Short Circuit) Your Job Search Success

A couple clients that let me know recently (and any of you that may feel the same) they are disappointed that their job search isn’t going as easily as they’d hoped.

This happens sometimes – more often than we all wish it did.

We don’t get the call, or maybe the offer.

It IS frustrating, it IS disappointing. The big mystery of WHY is particularly crazy making, IMO.

Please believe me, I get it.

I wish I could *guarantee* that each and every one of you will *immediately* get a dream job offer (if I could, I certainly would).

But it’s a disservice to promise things that can’t be controlled.

It’s also dishonest.

The truth is, it might take some time. 3 months used to be about the norm. Now, 6 months or more isn’t unheard of (I know…uggghhhhhh…. I’m sorry & hope you are the exception!)

I wish I had “THE” answer for you – I don’t. No one does. Anyone that says they do is someone I’d be wary of.

There ARE things that can help – that if you haven’t, you could/should try, to make sure your search is “super charged” (and less likely to “short circuit”).

The short list is:

  • Make sure you are tweaking your resume and your cover letter EVERY time to best match the key words and requirements in EACH AD (a “cookie cutter/one standard cover letter fits all is NOT recommended)
  • **READ CAREFULLY* and *follow directions* in your applications (in a job search, any version of “TL/DR” will not fly!) I can tell when a client doesn’t fully read what I send them, and I wonder if they are also not giving attention to details in their other job search activities. MAKE SURE YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAILS.
  • Remember the unknown *really could be at play*: hiring freeze, employer has new priorities/delayed hiring/internal hiring/job description change, the boss’ sister’s neighbor got the ‘in’ and the job*, etc .etc.
  • On a related note* ‘networking’, i.e., having an ‘in’ really is proven, over decades to be THE best way to get an interview
  • Manage your mindset: Make this a TOP priority:  if you’re frustrated, bitter, anxious, etc. (all natural feeling you might have in a job search, btw…but…..) *they can tell* … I advocate for spending at least as much time in self-care (emotional/mental well being, life balance, insisting on free time to relax, etc.)…I swear that prioritizing these things help the right opportunities show up. “Reclaim your job search mojo!” is part of my business motto, and these approaches are the other side of this approach, after the pragmatic pieces like your resume, LI & cover letters are up to speed. (This is why I regularly post the “MOJO MAGIC” articles)

You can also reach out for job search coaching/support (on an hourly or “on retainer” basis), if you’d like.

Wanting to support you in your job search is why I write these newsletters, and, have a combined 100+ blog posts and videos on my website & YouTube channel, too (as well as LinkedIn page to share more helpful info, too).

Let me know what sorts of specific challenges you are experiencing. If you are going through it, I can virtually guarantee another job seeker is, too! These messages get recycled into either “Real Job Seeker Stories” posts, and/or, “Job Search Q & A” posts /videos.