Author: Shannon Terry

What’s the Work (and Worker) Worth? Labor Day: Revist the Past, Improve the Future

What’s the Work (and Worker) Worth? This Monday, we in the U.S. are celebrating the contributions of workers. That’s what Labor Day is all about! That’s why we have the extra day off work first Monday in September every year now.   What? It’s not (just) the “official end of summer” holiday?? Nope!   It […]

Sustainable Businesses: Doing Important Work Well

From the documentary: “Real Value” – Economics, Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurship “Businesses have to be run well – non-profit and for profit alike… to accomplish their purposes. We think a lot about the efficacy of social enterprises and we have a little 3 cell model: You have to do important work – that’s just fundamental; it […]

Behavioral Interviewing: 3 Part Process to Clear and Concise Answers 

IN THIS CLIP: Behavioral Interviewing: 3 Part Process to Clear and Concise Answers    Do you know how to deliver interview answers that are clear, concise, and convincing? (in particular to behavioral style interview questions, but it works for most any type of question as well!) Find out here – and in detail in the […]

Mojo MAGIC: Balancing Effort & Surrender

  There’s a lot of wisdom in the Serenity Prayer that applies to most any area of life, even outside of 12 Step addiction recovery programs. If you don’t know it: “Grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change The courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know […]

Q & A: Job Gaps, Transferable Skills, Career Change and more…

Q & A TOPICS: How to address a JOB GAP on your resume Should what you did during the time you were unemployed (like a side business / contract work, etc.) be included on your resume? How to talk about TRANSFERABLE SKILLS during a CAREER CHANGE What if you only have EDUCATION / TRAINING, but […]