Also see Recommendations on my LinkedIn page here

Resume Writing:

More than expected, worth the investment!

“The CV looks great! Thanks for explaining the definition of a CV. (LOL, you can see I have not applied for a job in a long time.)

It has been a pleasure working with you. Your expertise, and this experience is more than I ever expected. So worth the investment. All the handouts I’m sure will prove to be helpful as well ?”

— Tiffany, Online College Professor, Florida

Thank you so much for crafting such a great resume for me. You are really great at picking up on details and capturing the essence of a person. I really admire the way you are able to go through the process of asking the right types of questions and extracting the key information from those answers in a way that weaves together a person’s professional narrative. You definitely show my story better than I ever could have on my own. Your work is impressive and I’m very grateful to be working with you.”

– May, Teacher/Teacher Trainer, Los Angeles

Two days after receiving my final resume from you I applied to a non-profit that I’ve always admired. This is the only job I’ve applied for since. 36 hours after submitting my resume and cover letter I received an email expressing interest in interviewing me!

The bigger thing here is that I have sent out hundreds of resumes over the last 3 years with only 2 responses and those were for more administrative positions. I’m aware that you did the resume writing that got me in the door, and your process allowed me to line up with a better version of me — I never felt great about my resume before and that energy went with it when I applied for jobs. This time, I was confident (just as your company name implies) and I’m already further ahead than I’ve ever been. Thank you Shannon!!

–Teri – Non-Profit Director/Coach, Virginia

“Thank you Shannon. This process definitely gave me more than I bargained for — in a good way. This was a giant step in taking back control of my life. I’m thrilled with the end product and will keep you in mind for updates. It was a true pleasure not having to figure out how to get my professional life down on paper. I’m excited to move forward with this document. I will certainly be recommending you to others“.

–Teri, Non-Profit Director/Coach, Virginia

“Thank you for the time you spent on this (resume) with me . . you’ll be pleased to know that this one you helped me with got me a prestigious job as a camera man with the New York Yankees.

– Scott, Videographer, Florida/New York

I deal with enough business professionals in my career to know that the truly proficient ones stand out. You are very good at what you do. I’ve recommended your services to a couple of my co-workers (in hopes they can) enjoy your competence and positive outlook.”

– Joel, Business Systems Analyst, Florida

I will say that my resume & its format . . .are definitely working . . AT & T Broadband called the same day they received it. This is the same firm that rejected me with my old chronological format in the past!”

– Scott, IT Professional, Oregon

Read more Testimonials – Click here

I got a new job!… Thanks again for everything. I received more interest than before based on the (LinkedIn) profile and resume.

-Sandra, Social Media Marketing Manager, New York / Florida

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Wow Shannon! I’m blown away. This (resume) looks awesome!I’ve reviewed the LinkedIn draft and I love it! I will definitely take your advice. I genuinely thought this was very well written and covers some aspects that my resume doesn’t.”

Very appreciative,

– Anthony, Trainer / Customer Service Manager, Florida

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Interview & Job Search Coaching:

Do You Want To Succeed?
Shannon Terry is a great motivator! Extremely professional, focused and
sensitive to the needs of her clients. She tells it like it is and promotes
practical ways to succeed. She is flexible and resilient. You will truly benefit by implementing her principles and suggestions. Set your goals…you will attain them!”
– Vickie, Family Programs Coordinator, Florida

I called upon Shannon for her assistance in preparing for an interview with a federal government agency.  Preparation was essential.  Shannon was very familiar with (behavioral) interview process and her expertise was incredibly helpful in assisting me with identifying potential questions I would be asked. 

She walked me through my answers and gave me a significant amount of constructive feedback.  Engaging in a mock interview session with Shannon was a great preparation tool and also served to boost my confidence as a candidate.

Her many years of experience allows her to tailor her sessions to each of her clients.  She knows what information will make you stand out from the crowd and give you the advantage over the other candidates. 

Shannon’s expertise and experience gave me the preparation necessary to give a strong interview and I ended up receiving a job offer.  I would definitely recommend her services in preparing for an interview, reviewing/writing a resume or assistance with cover letters.”

-Lauren (name changed), Special Agent Recruit, FBI, Florida

Thanks again for squeezing me in at the last minute. It was VERY worth while for me, now I have to go practice!”

– Liz, Non-Profit/Volunteer Management, Oregon

This is helping so much, I really can tell this practice and your input is helping me. I already feel much more confident & comfortable answering the questions.”

– John, Structural Design Engineer, California.  (This interview coaching client hired me after not interviewed for 25+ years & now finds himself having to switch jobs. After session #2 he though it was so valuable that he bought another 3 hour package!)

Read more Testimonials – Click here

From an HR Manager on my Resume Confidence Facebook page:

HR Manager: Resume preparation is CRITICAL for interview preparation. I agree with your thorough style completely.

Resume Confidence:  Thanks, Stephanie. You have an HR background, right? They often find it builds their confidence, too . . once they get over feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all.

HR Manager:  Yes…25 years of HR. I find your advice to always be spot-on.

Training Courses: 

Workshop anonymous feedback:

“The best part of the presentation was . . . (presenter’s) personality; she was fun and grabbed attention. It was interactive, lively, and stimulating.” “she was clear and to the point” “she is very animated, focused, and knowledgeable” “you were interesting and informative” “presents well, good teacher, very clear, the whole thing was informative” “the exercises, we were not just listening” “the helpful information and sincere enthusiasm; the content was important and the rest was refreshing” ““I enjoyed the entire presentation, there is nothing I would change” “Thank you, it was fun and worth my time.”

“The workshop helped me understand the issue I was most concerned about regarding my past experience.” – Elba, Fashion Design/Marketing, Florida

Read More Testimonials – Click Here