First Jobs & Tips for First Resumes

It’s coming into the season that high school and college students will be looking for summer work or internships.

What was YOUR first job?

I was really lucky, mine was as a Front Desk person for Supreme Courts, a racquetball and health club I’d been going to since I was 8, and where my mom worked as Activities Director.  I never had to flip burgers, though one summer I bagged groceries.

I made $3.35/hour and my first paycheck (which I found in a pile of memorabilia at my mom’s house in my old room this fall) was for $23.45!

Here’s a link to a good article by Tory Johnson of Women for Hire, “10 Tips to Get Your Kid a Summer Job.”  I used to do resume critiques at their job fairs.  She’s been interviewed on The View and other major media and knows her stuff.

This is another great article: “Help Your Teen Find the Best Summer Job“.  In it, the President of Career Directors International makes an excellent point, “My only caution, as a 16-year career coach and resume writer, is that the parents must get their child invested in the process somehow.  A teen who doesn’t want to work or who takes for granted that Mom and Dad are footing the bill either way is not typically that motivated and, regardless of what the parents do, will not be successful.”

3 Quick & Easy Tips for First Resumes/Job Applications

Remember to think of volunteer work, helping out your neighbors, in your parents office, etc.  as your “work experience” when starting out. Paid or unpaid.

Think ahead of who you can use as references.  These are probably THE most important aspect of a first time (and early on) job search(es).  Teachers, coaches, clergy, neighbors you interact with/help, friends of the family..but never a relative (they are just too biased on the student’s greatness 🙂 )  Make sure you ask them first before giving out their contact information to employers!

Extracurricular activities in or out of school really count:  Sports, Student Government, Clubs, Teen Groups, this sort of thing is great for resumes/applications for those getting started!  Make sure to note any leadership roles you might have played (Team Captain, Officer, Committee Member or Chair, Organizer of an outing or event, etc.)

And remember, I’m available to help your favorite young job seeker put together a *polished*, smart first resume, or job application info reference sheet, too.

I have special rates for brand new job seekers, new grads and early career professionals!