I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends


Job searching can be hard, and it can have a negative impact on your self esteem from time to time.  If you find this happening to you, it’s okay.  Don’t worry too much about it, but don’t stay there, either.

Remember you are surrounded by people who love you—I urge you to form a support system of positive and encouraging friends, family, former colleagues, and fellow job searchers.

Call on them for a pep talk or a fun evening out when you need a mood or confidence boost.  Ask them what they think your strengths are.  Odds are, you’ll hear many more wonderful things than you would have guessed, and you’ll end up feeling good about yourself and thus re-energized in your job search.


Here’s a trick that often helps, too: pull out old annual evaluations from past jobs. Not only will rereading the recognition for a job well done from a former boss reaffirm that you are, in fact, talented and valuable, but this excavation may pull out old projects or skills you’d forgotten about, and this rediscovered information could come in handy during an interview!

 “ A little praise . . . Goes a great ways  . . .” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just please remember this – you are not alone.

First, there are lots of job seekers out there, which may feel like competition, but, then again, partnering with a fellow job seeker who is having similar experiences, maybe frustration, maybe feeling down, or sharing anxiety about all the unknowns about the future can be VERY helpful.

Other job seekers also are a great source of search tips – websites to try, techniques for follow up & research, and just overall support that really gets what it’s like for you right now.