Mojo MAGIC: Restore & Reset


I recently took a *proper* vacation – aka – I didn’t even answer emails (gasp!)

I highly recommend taking *total* time off. I tend to work to some degree, as I’m betting many of you do, too, all the time, especially in always doing email and certain “core” things (like writing blog posts and newsletters).

Heres’ the thing: Email is work, y’all. Answering work emails (or calls, ugh!) during vacation is NOT VACATION. Find out for yourself this summer! Not paying any attention to work stuff for 10 days was the total reset I sorely needed. Give it a try! That’s what summer’s for!

The “great resignation”, the strong move towards WFH/remote work, all of these are things are shouting from the rooftops what we really all already knew: that Americans need more work/life balance.

I’ve been on my soapbox for decades about all of this. I’m so thrilled it’s finally coming around, though of course not without resistance from employers – and even some employees who have (IMO) really bought into the “work is life”, “this is just ‘how it is and needs to be to succeed’ message of employers who will squeeze as much out of every employee as they can for profits.

Setting boundaries and being clear on what we need, and want, at work, at this larger scale in the workforce, is sorely needed and long overdue.

It’s the same within our own personal lives as well, it often seems. Not replying to some texts immediately though our mothers or certain friends, (for example), may expect this. Saying “no, but thank you” and leaving it at that, no explanation, to some invite or social “obligation” so you CAN find some R & R time for yourself is the same. DO THIS.

No one else gets to weigh in on how you spend your time/energy than you do.

This includes your CHOICE OF JOB as well.

I mention this one, too, and share this quote this month because I work with many career changers, whether it’s a teacher transitioning out the classroom, or anyone that has had enough of their current job/industry and/or employer & just needs something new, something better.

Sometimes, you get a looooottttaaaa push back from people in your life when you say you want to switch careers or even just find a new job. Spouses, parents, a friend, you hear it from someone who “just wants the best for you” and counsels you (often without an invitation to share their opinion, too, hrrmph!) to keep with the known, the “safe” route.

I say, as I’ve long said, “You do you.” Read this quote above. Follow YOUR knowing, YOUR needs, YOUR internal prompts about what you want.

And stop being beholden to your tech devices.

And other people’s demands or expectations – whether it’s about always replying, saying “yes”, or what job you do.

Most things can (and will) wait, once you set that boundary and reset expectations. And there’s a reason you want to change your work. But you need the time and space to yourself to sort these things out.


REMEMBER:  A successful job search is a combination of:

Feeling good and aligned with your goals
(and actively managing to rebuild and maintain this positive anticipation),

and, of course,

Taking concrete, pragmatic action.

 = Managing  your mojo

Doing BOTH of these types of actions
is the winning combination!


Relaxing, resetting, restoring yourself with more unscheduled, no demands kind of time is KEY to “reclaiming your mojo”
– in your job search, and, all aspects of life.

SO ENJOY THE SUMMER! Do your favorite things, and/or *do nothing at all*!!