Are Objectives Outdated?

Do I need an Objective Statement, or not? 

Think you know the answer?

Let me preface this by saying that resumes writers and employers alike have varying opinions and preferences on all three of these questions.  There aren’t really any completely right or wrong answers, just different perspectives.  THAT SAID….

Here are mine:

Don’t Be a Dinosaur…  

  • Using an Objective Statement is an OUTDATED approach – dated to approximately the Mesozoic era!
  • The modern resume has evolved to  often include a Summary & Skills section instead. These focus on what you bring to the employer, (whereas an Objective is usually stating what YOU want – honestly, not the employer’s main priority)
  • Objectives repeat information that should be clearly communicated in the cover letter
  • Waste of space for the above reason

It is this resume writer’s strong opinion that Objectives are both outdated and redundant. I’ve never written a resume for a client that used one.

There used to be a time when an Objective Statement was mandatory on a resume (OK, probably not to the age of the dinosaurs, but, back to the 1960’s… well, likely into the 90’s, too but… you get the point, yes?)

However, nowadays, a Summary or Highlights section is often replacing the Objective of long gone eras.

Objectives are redundant to information that should be stated in the first line or two of your cover letter.  Therefore, those 2-3 lines of space on your resume that would be used for the objective and the blank space above & below are much better used to highlight your unique skills, and particularly your accomplishments.

Note:  If you choose to include one (against my sincerest wishes), make sure it IS clear and concise, and customer tailored to each job for which you apply.

Other timely & important job search tips – highly recommended e-book by Ask a Manager:


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Here’s another Great Resume Debate question answered:  
One Page or Two? Oh, what to do?