It’s a Bit Stuart Smalley, but . . .



I came upon this from a post from a page I am a “fan” of on my Facebook Page & thought how fun it would be to make some of these & secretly, randomly post them around town – and I just might!  And I encourage you to do, so, too, if so inspired! (and then write & tell me about it!)


Then I thought, “If I did a Positive Thoughts just for Job Seekers” version, what should it say?


Here’s a few of my thoughts – love you to add yours in the comments below.  Oh, and if you make any version of one of these to post, I’ll give you a free resume critique if you send me a picture of it wherever you plant it around town, and permission to share that picture to inspire others, of course!


Okay, so I’m thinking:



  • I have strong, marketable skills
  • I’m so thankful for my references & their willingness to help me
  • The right job in the right timing shows up for me
  • I’m a great interviewee, completely comfortable at all times
  • I remain motivated to search out perfect work for me.  I trust it IS out there.
  • I write attention-grabbing, impactful cover letters with ease, quickly
  • I enjoy this free-time I now have as often as I can after doing my job search due-diligence regularly
  • And for now, how about just:
  • I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people want to hire me!   🙂  *

*Classic SNL’s Stuart Smalley