VIDEO: What Should I Put On My Resume?

This is an older video but still good basic information. See UPDATES below though, too!

Some things are pretty obvious, I KNOW you know you need your contact info and work history, for example.

But what about things like these:

  • How much of my education should I list?
  • Do I need an Objective?
  • Should I include volunteer/unpaid work?
  • What about my references?
  • Is it okay to include graphs & graphics on a resume?

Have a quick minute? (literally, the video is one minute long!  So of course you do!)

Have a look see & listen to what I recommend you Always, Sometimes, and Never include on a resume:

What Should You Put on a Resume: 

UPDATE:  I’d add now: write a targeted, branded Summary section instead of an Objective

UPDATE:  I’d add now: while graphics on resumes are more popular now than when this was filmed, personally, I tend to recommend you steer clear of graphics and images on your resume to be safe and pass ATS (applicant tracking system) programming. Stick with a clean, professional format and let your accomplishments and other key skills and content be what gets you noticed (not some fancy graphic)

What IS important, is that the resume is easy to read, and your core skills stand out, are easy to identify within whatever format you choose!

You know I can help you with these questions – specifically YOUR questions about what to include or not include on your resume, right?  Of course you do!

Contact Shannon here for info on services – remember, resumes get interviews (get you in door!)  Interviews get jobs!  So you have to catch attention in 10 seconds or less on your resume to be considered!